- 1/2025: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Privacy and Accuracy-Aware AI/ML Model Deduplication” has been accepted to SIGMOD 2025!
- 8/2024: Congratulations to my student Shang Ma and my collaborators! Our paper “Careful About What App Promotion Ads Recommend! Detecting and Explaining Malware Promotion via App Promotion Graph” has been accepted in NDSS 2025!
- 7/2024: Our application for the OpenAI Researcher Access Program has been accepted! Thank you, OpenAI!
- 7/2024: Congratulations to my student Liangyi Huang! Our paper “CTIKG: LLM-Powered Knowledge Graph Construction from Cyber Threat Intelligence” has been accepted in COLM 2024!
- 6/2024: Congratulations to my student Pengcheng Fang and my collaborators! Our paper “vFix: Facilitating Software Maintenance of Smart Contracts via Automatically Fixing Vulnerabilities” has been accepted in ICSME 2024!
- 5/2024: Congratulations to my student Shang Ma and my collaborators! Our paper “Completing the App Promotion Graph with Symbolic Prompting” has been accepted in ECML PKDD 2024!
- 12/2023: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “MalCertain: Enhancing Deep Neural Network Based Android Malware Detection by Tackling Prediction Uncertainty” has been accepted to ICSE 2024!
- 8/2023: Congratulations to my student Fei Shao and my collaborators! Our paper “NODLINK: An Online System for Fine-Grained APT Attack Detection and Investigation” has been accepted in the NDSS 2024!
- 8/2023: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “WeMinT: Tainting Sensitive Data Leaks in WeChat Mini-Programs” has been accepted in the ASE 2023!
- 5/2023: Congratulations to my student Liangyi Huang and my collaborators! Our paper “Are we there yet? An Industrial Viewpoint on Provenance-based Endpoint Detection and Response Tools” has been accepted in CCS 2023!
- 5/2023: Congratulations to my student Pengcheng Fang and my collaborators! Our paper “iSyn: Semi-Automated Smart Contract Synthesis from Legal Financial Agreements” has been accepted in ISSTA 2023!
- 5/2023: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “On the Security Risks of Knowledge Graph Reasoning” has been accepted in the USENIX Security 2023!
- 11/2022: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our feature article “Machine learning: New ideas and tools in Environmental Science and Engineering” received the 2021 ES&T best paper award!
- 9/2022: Congratulations to my collaborators and my student Fei Shao. Our paper “DISTDET: A Cost-Effective Distributed Cyber Threat Detection System” has been accepted in the USENIX Security 2023!
- 8/2022: Congratulations to my collaborators. Our paper “What Did You Pack in My App? A Systematic Analysis of Commercial Android Packers” has been accepted in the ESEC/FSE 2022 Industry Track!
- 7/2022: Congratulations to my students Liangyi Huang, Sohipa Hall, and Fei Shao! Our paper “System-Auditing, Data Analysis and Characteristics of Cyber Attacks for Big Data Systems” has been accepted in the demo track of CIKM 2022!
- 5/2022: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Towards Automatically Localizing Function Errors in Mobile Apps with User Reviews” has been accepted in TSE 2022!
- 1/2022: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Lie to Me: Abusing the Mobile Content Sharing Service for Fun and Profit” has been accepted in WWW 2022!
- 12/2021: Congratulations to my student Shao Yang and my collaborators! Our paper “DescribeCtx: Context-Aware Description Synthesis for Sensitive Behaviors in Mobile Apps” has been accepted in ICSE 2022!
- 12/2021: Congratulations to my students Changlin Liu and Hanlin Wang and my collaborators! Our paper “Promal: Precise Window Transition Graphs for Android via Synergy of Program Analysis and Machine Learning” has been accepted in ICSE 2022!
- 10/2021: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Trade or Trick? Detecting and Characterizing Scam Tokens on Uniswap Decentralized Exchange” has been accepted in SIGSIGMETRICS 2022!
- 9/2021: Congratulations to my students Pengcheng Fang, Changlin Liu and my collaborators! Our paper “Back-Propagating System Dependency Impact for Attack Investigation” has been accepted in USENIX Security 2022!
- 7/2021: Congratulations to my collaborators Zhiqiang Xu and Yu Wen and my students Pengcheng Fang and Changlin Liu! Our paper “Graph Summarization on System Audit Logs for Attack Investigation” has been accepted in IEEE S&P 2022!
- 5/2021: I am very excited and honored to receive the Case School of Engineering Research Award this year!
- 4/2021: Congratulations to my students Fei Shao and Rui Xu and my collaborators! Our paper “WebEvo: Taming Web Application Evolution via Detecting Semantic Structure Change” has been accepted in ISSTA 2021!
- 4/2021: Congratulations to my students Jian Shi and my collaborators! Our paper “Make Web3.0 Connected - A Perspective from Interoperability and Programmability across Blockchains” has been accepted to TDSC!
- 2/2021: I am very excited and honored to receive the NSF CAREER Award! Thank you, NSF!
- 2/2021: Congratulations to my student Fei Shao and my collaborators! Our paper “Enabling Efficient Cyber Threat Hunting With Cyber Threat Intelligence” has been accepted in ICDE 2021!
- 2/2021: Congratulations to my collaborators. Our US patent applications “System and method for detecting security risks in a computer system” have been granted.
- 1/2021: Congratulations to my student Fei Shao and my collaborators! Our demo paper “A System for Efficiently Hunting for Cyber Threats in Computer Systems Using Threat Intelligence” has been accepted in ICDE 2021!
- 1/2021: Congratulations to my collaborators. Our US patent applications “Progressive processing for querying system behavior” have been granted.
- 12/2020: Congratulations to my student Tiantong Ji and my collaborators! Our paper “CHAMP: Characterizing Undesired App Behaviors from User Comments based on Market Policies” has been accepted in ICSE 2021!
- 12/2020: Congratulations to Jiaping, Peng Gao, and my collaborators. Our US patent applications “Risky behavior query construction and execution” and “Security monitoring with progressive behavioral query language databases” have been granted.
- 8/2020: Our proposal (news, school daily news) was awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF). Thank you, NSF!
- 8/2020: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Metagraph Aggregated Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Illicit Traded Product Identification in Underground Market” has been accepted in ICDM 2020.
- 2/2020: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our demo paper “DroidMutator: An Effective Mutation Analysis Tool for Android Applications” has been accepted in ICSE 2020.
- 1/2020: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our demo paper “Querying Streaming System Monitoring Data for Enterprise System Anomaly Detection” has been accepted in ICDE 2020.
- 12/2019: Congratulations to my NEC intern Jiaping Gui! Our paper “APTrace: A Responsive System for Agile Enterprise Level Causality Analysis” is accepted in the industry and application track of ICDE 2020.
- 9/2019: Congratulations to my student Shao Yang and collaborators! Our paper “DeepIntent: Deep Icon-Behavior Learning for Detecting Intention-Behavior Discrepancy in Mobile Apps” on exploring the synergy between deep learning and program analysis for enhancing mobile app security is accepted in CCS 2019.
- 8/2019: Congratulations to my student Changlin Liu and collaborators! Our paper “Root Cause Localization for Unreproducible Builds via Causality Analysis over System Call Tracing” is accepted in ASE 2019.
- 8/2019: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Characterizing Android App Signing Issues” is accepted in ASE 2019.
- 8/2019: Congratulations to my NEC intern Jiaping Gui! Our paper “Progressive Processing of System Behavioral Query” is accepted in ACSAC 2019.
- 7/2019: Congratulations to my student Jian Shi and collaborators! Our first blockchain paper “HyperService: Interoperability and Programmability across Heterogeneous Blockchains” on interoperability platform with programmability and strong security guarantees is accepted in CCS 2019.
- 5/2019: Congratulations to my NEC intern Peng Gao! Our demo paper “A Query System for Efficiently Investigating Complex Attack Behaviors for Enterprise Security” has been accepted in VLDB 2019.
- 1/2019: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Paladin: Automated Generation of Reproducible Test Cases for Android Apps” has been accepted in HotMobile 2019.
- 12/2018: Congratulations to my students Hanlin Wang and Zhihao Cao and collaborators! Our paper “IconIntent: Automatic Identification of Sensitive UI Widgets based on Icon Classification for Android Apps” is acceted in ICSE 2019.
- 12/2018: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “PIFA: An Intelligent Phase Identification and Frequency Adjustment Framework for Time-Sensitive Mobile Computing” has been accepted in RTAS 2019.
- 11/2018: Congratulations to my NEC intern Peng Gao! Our papers “AIQL: Enabling Efficient Attack Investigation from System Monitoring Data” and “SAQL: A Stream-based Query System for Real-Time Abnormal System Behavior Detection” are selected to present by Peng Gao at IBM Programming Language Day, 2018.
- 7/2018: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “NodeMerge: Template Based Efficient Data Reduction For Big-Data Causality Analysis” is accepted in CCS 2018.
- 5/2018: Congratulations to my NEC intern Peng Gao and collaborators! Our paper “SAQL: A Stream-based Query System for Real-Time Abnormal System Behavior Detection” is accepted in USENIX Security 2018.
- 4/2018: Congratulations to my NEC intern Peng Gao and collaborators! Our paper “AIQL: Enabling Efficient Attack Investigation from System Monitoring Data” is accepted in USENIX ATC 2018.
- 4/2018: Congratulations to my undergraduate student Taylor Smith! SOURCE Award for undergraduate summer research (sole PI).
- 3/2018: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “PreInfer: Automatic Inference of Preconditions via Symbolic Analysis” is accepted in DSN 2018.
- 12/2017: My CRII proposal was awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) (sole PI). Thank you, NSF!
- 12/2017: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Are Vulnerabilities Discovered and Resolved like Other Defects?” is accepted to the journal first paper track at ICSE 2018.
- 9/2017: I received the Samsung Global Research Outreach Award (PI, News). Thank you, Samsung!
- 8/2017: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our paper “Are Vulnerabilities Discovered and Resolved like Other Defects?” is accepted to Empirical Software Engineering, one of the top 3 software engineering journals.
- 7/2017: Congratulations to my collaborators! Our demo paper “RunDroid: Recovering Excution Call Graph for Android Applications” is accepted to FSE 2017!
- 4/2017: Presented a Tutorial at HotSoS 2017.
- 2/2017: Joined Case Western Reserve University as an Assistant Professor